Saturday, January 8, 2011

MARK'S TOP 5 OF 2010!

We're a little late with this one but, as the saying I invented goes, better late than never! 

The cast of The Everything Film Show has come up with their top 5 films of 2010, and we're sharing them here with you. 2010 started off weak, but finished pretty strong, and I think, years from now, we'll consider a few of these films classics.

Enjoy the lists, and if you have your own you'd like to share, feel free in the comments section! 

Mark's Top 5 Films of 2010:

5. Inception
The brainiest summer blockbuster ever. Inception movie overcomes its scripts numerous problems by being instantly accessible (it’s not as difficult to understand as you think) and fast-moving (it’s the quickest 2 ½ hour movie I’ver ever seen), while bursting at the seams with ideas and questions about dreams and perceptions of reality.
 4. Scott Pilgrim vs. the World

Edgar Wright directs what is probably his best (but not my favorite) film yet, with a movie that’s the equivalent of sticking your head in a jet engine fueled with the fantasies of 1,000 videogame/pop culture geeks. The jokes come as quickly as the action does, and Wright masters the art of both. 

3. The Social Network
Aaron Sorkin’s witty dialogue is the centerpiece of David Fincher’s operatic and immensely entertaining film about entrepreneurial gamesmanship in the high-pressure world of ivy-league school. With a detached yet mesmerizing score by Trent Reznor and Atticus Ross, and performances acutely tuned to the rhythm of Sorkin’s dialogue, The Social Network is the movie about the beginnings of Facebook that we never wanted but are glad we received. 

2. True Grit
Speaking of the rhythm of dialogue, no film features as many gloriously delightful passages and phrases of the spoken word than True Grit. The Coen Brothers have tried to break into the mainstream before with disappointing results. But here they’ve crafted an almost-perfect film that’s much more layered with meaning than one would notice on first viewing. Hailee Steinfeld gives a performance that impresses, even while acting against the heavy triumvirate of Jeff Bridges, Matt Damn, and Josh Brolin. Keep an eye out for a barely recognizable Barry Pepper, who steals the very few scenes he’s in.

1.  Black Swan
If you’re one who laments the “good old days” when Hollywood was “original” and you *didn’t* see Black Swan, then you deserve every remake, sequel, adaptation, reboot, redux, re-imagining, re-tooling, and re-working  infecting the multiplexes in ever increasing numbers. A brilliant, deeply disturbing look into self-destruction through perfection, Black Swan is about as visceral an experience as you’re likely to ever have in a movie theater. Physical repulsion and euphoria walk hand-in-hand during Darren Aronofsky’s finest work yet. Natalie takes home the Oscar for Best Actress in 2011. 

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